
The framework comes with the basic templating engine which uses native html/template Go templates.

Before you start rendering anything, you must configure a view filesystem. For example, you could store all your template files into the views/ sub-directory:

app := gotuna.App{
	ViewFiles: os.DirFS("./views"),

Using templates

The templates are typically used inside the action handlers:

func handlerLogin(app gotuna.App) http.Handler {
	return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
		app.NewTemplatingEngine().Render(w, r, "app.html", "login.html")

Here we have the app.html template file which is used as the main layout, and the login.html as an injected block component.

// app.html

{{- define "app" -}}
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <div>Main Menu</div>
    <div class="container">
      {{block "content" .}}{{end}}
{{- end -}}
// login.html
{{define "content"}}
  <div class="guest-form">
    <form method="POST" action="/login">
      <button class="button is-link">{{t "Log In"}}</button>

For more info on how to use the html/template package please visit the official docs.


You can pass variables to your templates:

	Set("message", "This is a 'message' variable.").
	Render(w, r, "app.html", "login.html")

and use them in your html template like this:


You can also set and get errors:

	SetError("email", "Your email is not working").
	Render(w, r, "app.html", "login.html")

and use them like this:

<span>{{index .Errors "email"}}</span>


View helpers are functions that you can use in your html templates, here we are using the t helper to translate the Email string.

<label class="label">{{t "Email"}}</label>

You can add your custom helpers to the app using the gotuna.ViewHelperFunc signature.

// custom view helpers added to the app constructor
app.ViewHelpers = []gotuna.ViewHelperFunc{
	func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) (string, interface{}) {
		return "uppercase", func(s string) string {
			return strings.ToUpper(s)

Built-in helpers

The framework comes with several built-in helpers:

  • t (translate)
  • tp (translate plural)
  • request (current http.Request object)
  • static (get static file with prefix)
  • currentUser (current User object)
  • currentLocale
  • isGuest

Template files

Template files are passed into the app’s configuration using the io/fs package’s FS interface.

This means that you can use both os.DirFS or go:embed to pack all your template files directly into the final binary.

Simplified example showing the structure of an app with embeded templates:

├── views/
│   ├── app.html
│   ├── login.html
│   └── views.go
└── main.go
// views/views.go

package views

import "embed"

//go:embed *
var EmbededViews embed.FS
// main.go

// use embeded files
app := gotuna.App{
	ViewFiles: views.EmbededViews,

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